From 201# to 151# Using This Weird 'Rice Hack'

The Old Me
The New Me
@ Jessy Ross

I used to be so depressed about the way I looked, I almost couldn't go on.

Every day was a battle. I was exhausted all the time. My joints ached so bad. And I was afraid of diabetes and even cancer because it runs in the family.

I felt out of place everywhere I went. Like people were staring at me and judging me.

It took a toll on me and my family. I tried everything - diets, hours on the treadmill, therapy, EVERYTHING. But nothing worked for me.

I felt like a failure. And I was afraid things would never get better.

One day, I noticed Donna, my friend from work, was looking really good. She used to wear baggy clothes (like me!    😭) but now her outfits showed off her figure instead of hiding it. And she looked younger and ... "excited".

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the coffee room. "What have you been doing? Tell me!" I was desperate to find out.

She told me about what she called her "secret rice hack."

I had to hold back a laugh!  😆

She told me about a doctor named Dr. Michael Kim who discovered that people of Da Bac, a tiny island off the coast of Viet Nam, eat something called "Bac Huong Rice".

This isn’t your average rice. It's a special grain that can help you burn fat without all the hassle of crazy diets and hours at the gym.

Why is Bac Huong Rice so special? Well, it’s got a lot of a natural substance called luteolin. (Google it!) 

It turns out that luteolin is a weight loss rock star.

People on Da Bac island eat Bac Huong Rice every day as part of their diet. They're slim, fit, and healthy.

They don’t suffer from obesity and they never need to diet. And they live a long time.

But it’s hard to find real Bac Huong Rice outside of Viet Nam!

This all sounded kinda silly to me. But Donna shared a video with me and I promised her I’d watch it. (The link is below.)

I was skeptical, to say the least. I thought, “How could RICE be the answer to my prayers?”

So I watched the video on my coffee break.

And I loved it.

And when I saw what it did for Donna, I decided to try it, too.

And I’m proud say that now - after three short months - I’m wearing my cutest, form-fitting clothes, just like Donna. 

And my husband can’t keep his hands off me!  🥰

My joints have stopped hurting and when I went for my regular checkup, my doctor’s jaw almost hit the floor. She said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it!”

The video link is below.

Watch it. You’ll be glad you did!

Jessy Ross


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